Malevolent Surveillance

"Malevolent Surveillance" is a hand-made paper wasp nest sculpture which is mounted in the corner of a domestic space.  The round sculpture has a textural organic surface and is matte gray with a black hole at its base. The paper wasp nest peers over viewers. 

The sculpture represents humanity imitating nature's power of territoriality through nature's aesthetics. The potency of the paper material which is read as an object-dwelling created by an aggressive wasp body (wood and wasp spit) is the tone and framework for the piece. 

The paper is created using fibrous pulp (scraps of newsprint paper, abaca fiber and water), mixed in a blender while shaping it with paper making tools and then molded similar to papier-mâché. Both industrial techniques and domestic equipment were used to create the nest sculptures which reflect human technology/tools and the separation of "nature" through modernity. 


© 2024 All works Kelsey Boncato.